Louis Rossmann

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A fragile sticker for Louis' fragile ego
Tesla disabling seat motor if you use it too much. Who needs evidence? We have an UNCONFIRMED RUMOR!
A word on jealousy, depression, and jerryrigeverything
Store tour via drone of Rossmann Repair Group in Manhattan
The blackpilled mindset that keeps people from trying
Let's talk about knowing it won't happen again
What is a turn signal for $500 Alex? ::: GoPro Hero 7 4K60 video quality
Louis speaks at press conference at New York State capitol
Google's "We'll fix pixel greenscreen in a software update" is nonsense!
Did Verizon open a fake account & send me to collections over it?
the man in the thumbnail is a sadistic murderer
NYC's failing train system gets even worse: adding gates is not a solution
??: The more things change, the more they stay the same ?? ?? ??
Touchbars aren't hard to fix, are they Paul? :-)
Asrock should be fined for breaking the law
Macbook not turning on: tricky charge circuit issue
Louis' friend shares a silly story using offensive language
Why pay Louis? You can take it someplace cheaper!
How FUTO projects loosen Google's grip on your life!