Louis Rossmann

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Pixel sent to authorized repair shop hacked into and stolen
A1466 Macbook Air no power: 24 mA isn't just a PM_SLP_S4_L problem!
Macbook board repair attempt after another shop's fail; you can't win em all
Frame.work isn't virtue signalling; they genuinely support Right to Repair. I wish them success.
A1502 Macbook Pro taking 160-180 mA but not turning on.
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Macbook Pro taking 20 milliamps not turning on
Watching twitter implode is entertaining
my new friend
LG increasing revenue through subscriptions and advertising; here's to Luddite pride
Freedom is going mainstream. AppleInsider editorial language gives me hope.
A bike ride around NYC for old time's sake
Have asking rents for restaurant spaces dropped in Manhattan or not?
I WAS WRONG: Onewheel motor is NOT serialized - retraction & apology to my audience
Can Macbook be fixed?
osteoarthritis gets destroyed
wallstreetbets investor roaringkitty sued over DUMB premise
Zillow losing money on home flipping: good