Louis Rossmann

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The man, the legend, the idol.
Fixing an A1398 Retina screen without replacing the LCD
the value of healthy skepticism
Thank you ??
NYC retail store rents more expensive after COVID
Man vs. Printer part 4; the longest foreverwar
Microsoft says they value repair-ability, designs more repairable product.
Meet my kitten, Blackberry
A word on manipulative corporate garbage from LG
Hawaii hearing on SB2496 Right to Repair
Nastiest Macbook board ever.
The Saturday night show with Louis Rossmann; hardware defect, software fix?
Authorized repair caught using knockoff screens in customers phones ??
Clinton the cat provides commentary on new iMac
Judge allows case against Apple over display defect to continue
Louis Rossmann AMA before lease signing
PR help necessary: if you want to see Right to Repair covered by media, set it up! Make it happen!
Maryland Legislature skewers Comcast lobbyist - why can't they do this to CTIA or the ESA?
Eviction moratorium can getting kicked down the road as landlords sue govt
Tesla goes skynet, kills 2 people on video