Louis Rossmann

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Making a Macbook work again with Louis Rossmann
Elon Musk is a thin skinned CEO.
Louis writes a letter
Samsung trolls users with horrible self repair program, $206 cellphone battery!
I think Apple cancer is spreading :'(
Senator Breslin signs on to Right to Repair bill as a co-sponsor!
"innovation" of the restaurant menu
Lockdown for me, but not for thee?
Samsung's deceptive misuse of reddit is NOT proper advertising!
A bike ride around NYC
Refurbishing a heavily liquid damaged Macbook Air with Paul S!
Mainstream media catching onto the "you own nothing" culture shift
Louis Rossmann AM(almost)A random livestream
Yesterday's video with more pixels
Right to rep(a?i?r?)s: Louis tries to beat Dan's record of 12x225
?? A happy A1707 Macbook Pro board repair ??
Progress on my charity pet project
820-00281 Macbook Pro Touchbar board is dead: why?
A1502 fans running fast and no image on screen Macbook board repair
Our politicians transformed NYC into a meme.