Louis Rossmann

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820-00840 A1708 Macbook Pro with no backlight: how to repair its logic board.
wtf just happened... i'm off to sleep i'll try to sort this out tomorrow i think i got astroturfed
We need to talk about the comments on yesterday's Amazon video...
The bubble never pops in glorious NYC
Planning the most IMPORTANT part of the new store....
A1708 Macbook Pro not charging or turning on with a LAAAAAABEL on it
Louis Rossmann Live - Ask me Anything
How the corrupt NHTSA legal counsel screwed carowners out of right to repair
I was wrong about Samsung
Razor kills everyone in massive dota blowout
Farmers are not taking it sitting down anymore; good
Elon Musk threatens Apple & Google with making his own phone: a win for tech freedom!
NYC threatens ridiculous COVID shutdown and fines for mask-compliance
Apple succeeds at truthful advertising!
Louis switches to iPhone XS
Let's take a ride through SoHo in NYC
Free repair workshop program is hiring an instructor in Brooklyn. email me!
Why the company behind OneWheel sucks in 5 minutes or less.
NYC real estate prices are being ARTIFICIALLY INFLATED by non-disclosure agreements.