Louis Rossmann

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day 3 of being open - getting closer to a real store..
Live {sugar} free or die; how New Hampshire's labor shortage sabotaged Erica's cookie addiction
A1466 Macbook Air 2.4v on PP3V42_G3H no power
Someone is lying to me.
We remain open - front is boarded up.
Bike tour of post pandemic NYC on July 4th weekend.
Smartphone sells better when not $1000? WOW!!
Gavin Newsom signs Right to Repair into law
Macbook logic board repair, A1706 not charging after replacing the battery
Guess the asking rent for a restaurant you're not allowed to open in NYC?
Beware improper short detection methodology: on Macbooks you can kill your CPU, NAND, RAM, or GPU.
Signal threatens to leave UK if garbage legislation gets passed to "protect the children"
NYC real estate prices are rising!
Wearing a mask during coronavirus, my opinion as a business owner
my new friend
Fixing a Macbook A1502 dead not powering on
Macbook Pro Retina no backlight after screen replacement: FIXED!
This is now a cat channel first, tech & philosophy channel second.
this company is designing a GPLv3 laptop motherboard