Louis Rossmann

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Samsung Display fires killshot on ENTIRE repair industry with.... a patent on pixel patterns? ?????
Why beating yourself up over mistakes encourages bad habits
Why fix logic boards before cleaning the corrosion?
Why is Macbook Pro Retina taking 200mA and not turning on?
20 minute rant disguised as board repair: A1989 no power 820-00850 logic board repair
Article: Men are giving up on college. Thoughts?
Chip on Macbook tries to get up and run away!
Genius Bar caught ripping customer off ON CAMERA by CBC News
A close one
People are tired of demeaning jobs & commutes. NYC subway ridership below HALF pre pandemic numbers!
Safety vs. freedom & accepting the premise of assholes
Looking at Israel's number of hospitalizations, vaccinations, etc.
Apple adds Macs to independent repair provider program
NEGOTIATING 27th st 7th ave FIT space with more bad brokers
Why does A1398 Retina Macbook Pro have no backlight?
Autodesk screws customers by turning lifetime licenses into subscriptions
Mac authorized dealer said WHAT??? + 1st attempt at ASMR board repair.
Macbook TROLLS me for an hour before I fix it ??
Eric Adams gets a wakeup call: NYC employees are NOT going back to the office!
Engineering students turn their classes into dating apps