Louis Rossmann

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DCS Uses False Privacy Claim to Silence ANOTHER Reviewer: @WillProwse
Amazon litterbox fatally harms cat; this is the sad end result of what I've talked about all year :(
Amazon sells fake, dead Toshiba hard drives as new: detailed inspection & proof of their scam
Mazda requires $100+ subscription for remote start after filing DMCA takedown of open source program
we meet again
the fishy that tried to change the terms of the sale
Why I dislike people who abuse the "F" word
Peloton�s New Fee Punishes Secondhand Buyers � This cannot be normalized!
Ford patents method to spy on drivers to push them ads; no, really...
Malaysian Prime Minister tries to ban public DNS servers with anti-fascist/anti-scam fearmongering
read the pinned comment rather than watch this dumbass video (but still buy shure rmce-bt2)
Food delivery EULA versus 7th Amendment: EULA wins. Bill of Rights loses
Repair of PowerPC based Apple laptops.
ASUS charges customers for bootloader unlocking, which was initially advertised as free.
Polish schools get a taste of the Retroactively Amended Purchase Experience
Paralyzed man needs $100k exoskeleton to walk, mfg refused $20 battery repair & he couldn't walk
Don't scream around children
Respect for LinusTechTips; he's EARNED it!
Steam altered the terms of the sale; you'll be happy they altered it further!
Don't ask motherboard repair people about pagers, we're clueless