Louis Rossmann

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Roku's Ransom: Agree to Forced Arbitration or Lose Your TV!
's Broken Promise: How Consumers Got Screwed Out of Their 10-Year Warranty
Vultr Claims Rights to Sell Your Data & Programs?
Wyze cameras let other people view her home: why cloud security is an oxymoron
How Lenovo is Cheating Owners - Warranty Voided & Sales Blocked!
Moto G durability test
Don't plug your dildo into the wrong port
General Motors sells detailed driver logs without your consent
How abusive business practices creep in & how to stop it
Edison Motors gets screwed by very fishy British Columbia Government grantmaking process
Youtube's Legal Team sent me a letter! ??
No Escape: EVERY US Carrier Sold Your Location Data with 0.02% Penalties from the FCC!
Roku Plans to Inject Ads via HDMI: Adblocking is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED, and your duty as a citizen
Google follows Samsung, asserts the right to steal your phone during a repair
Louis loses mind @ greenwashing scam - 63 page climate report from Spotify after destroying hardware
Piracy is MORALLY JUSTIFIED after Telstra Locked Customer Purchases Behind New Hardware
Singapore police jail woman based on data stored in car infotainment system: it can happen here.
How Spotify destroyed Car Thing: 'You Will Own Nothing' & what to do about It
The unfixable 8000 dollar stove; Shame on Aga and the Rayburn.
Samsung punishes customers for being loyal by bricking their devices ?????