Louis Rossmann

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Is DriveSavers worth the premium rates they charge for data recovery?
Thoughts on Australia's COVID restrictions 18 months in to the pandemic
NYC mayor fights tickets for rats on his property at OATH ??
Loyalty and respect must be EARNED: they're not a given.
Louis Rossmann AMA random livestream
My first NYC Manhattan contractor quote ??
A fresh start ??
I told you to buy old Macbooks. I stand by my advice.
Fixing a dead liquid damaged Macbook Air's corroded logic board
Apple users have no one to blame but themselves.
Why this A1466 Macbook Air can't charge a battery
Can spec of green dust kill a Macbook?
Does Louis owe thermal imager an apology?
Clinton the ?? is a thief.
Rising NYC theft is hurting small businesses so bad even the New York Times can't provide cover
Steve; data recovery technician, or cat whisperer?
Here's why the Paycheck Protection Program frustrates small business owners.
How to fight hard-to-cancel subscriptions and WIN! Not sponsored, just truth.
Samsung one-ups Apple with sweatshop labor: contractor raided by ICE.