Louis Rossmann

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Intel employees/resellers: I can use some help buying legitimate BGA CPUs.
NY realtors: you've got to be f(&^( kidding me.
A 20 minute rant disguised as a board repair video
Louis Rossmann reviews Apple self repair program for Macbooks
A1466 Macbook Air 24 mA no PM_SLP_S4_L logic board repair
Apple says it's not fair
A happy Macbook board repair ?? 820-00281 dead no power
Are Apple products still JUNK in 2023?
Paul's corner - replacing keyboard ICs on A1502 2015 Macbook Pro 820-4924
Apple DELAYS invasive "feature" but it's not a win yet.
Louis thanks everyone
Apple authorized resellers can sell knockoff airpods?
Asking someone on a date is desperate & wrong
An intellectual property red pill; the REAL reason for Right to Repair opposition.
Congratulations Tim Cook!
Lenovo goes full Apple: gives customers the shaft on Thunderbolt design flaw ??
New store for rent one block from my primary location? Potential 2nd location?
NYC street cleanliness. Good job!
Paul fixes scorched Macbook Pro Retina, restoring USB and HDMI.
Outdoor dining audit in NYC