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Liberal Hivemind
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Meanwhile in Portland...
This guy had the balls to say it on CNN!!!
Anheuser Busch CEO just RUINED Bud Light's chances of a come back haha
Megyn Kelly put this smug journalist into his place!
This was the most insane debate in youtube history lol.
Joe Rogan gets GRILLED by PBD on Trump issue!!
Donald Trump is proving everybody WRONG!!
The Democrats are drunk on COPIUM again!!
20 year old video of top anchor RESURFACES. You won't believe what he said.
Well... This backfired spectacularly. lol
Just another day in Chicago.
WOW. Tucker Carlson just RELEASED IT ALL!! Blows the lid on Nancy Pelosi's SHAM!!!
WOW. This 1 minute clip just exposed their ENTIRE PLAN.
Oh... So now you accept the TRUTH?
Bill Maher is officially PANICKING!!! He know it's coming...
The media in PANIC as Trump support SURGES!!
The crowd TURNED ON HER when Tulsi Gabbard called her out on her CRAP!
When the whole charade falls apart.
Have you seen this new display at your local Walmart?
It's NOT OVER for Kari Lake!! She's not going ANYWHERE!!!!