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Liberal Hivemind
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He actually pulled this out!! ?? wtf lol
Bill Maher REACTS to Donald Trump shooting.
Donald Trump just made HISTORY with this!!!!!!
Joe Biden just stabbed the Democrat Party in the BACK!!!!!!
We don't come back from this.
MSNBC gets a WAKE UP call on Kamala Harris lol
Holy CRAP! Virginia is starting to FLIP to Trump again!!!!!!!
Everything woke turns to S**T.
They have no idea what's coming for them...
Nancy Pelosi just accidently EXPOSED the agenda!!! It's worse than you THINK!!
She fell off fast lol
College student REVEALS her "part" to Charlie Kirk during campus debate, lol WTF.
This photo will RUIN Kamala Harris forever!!
You won't believe who Trump pulled on stage...??
Shooter's classmate EXPOSES the media lies about Crooks!!!!!
It's freakin' OFFICIAL!! This is what's happening NEXT.
LOL: MSNBC anchor loses his S**T, threatens to SUE Corey Lewandowski!!!
Yes... This is real.
Joe Biden finally SNAPS lol
We got our hands on the email he sent out to his supporters... YIKES!