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Cross Site Request Forgery - Computerphile
Internet Censorship Explained - Computerphile
Recreating Dennis Ritchie's PhD Thesis - Computerphile
Addressing Memory (Pt1) - Computerphile
Reverse Engineering - Computerphile
Games as Medicine - Computerphile
Why Information Theory is Important - Computerphile
Reverse Polish Notation and The Stack - Computerphile
Bluetooth & Sync - Computerphile
Crashes, Cosmic Rays and Kernel Panic - Computerphile
Chip & PIN Fraud Explained - Computerphile
Just In Time (JIT) Compilers - Computerphile
No, it's not Sentient - Computerphile
Driverless Cars - Computerphile
How Shazam Works (Probably!) - Computerphile
What's Virtual Memory? - Computerphile
Random Numbers with LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register) - Computerphile
Who's Telling the Truth? Using "Gobble" - Computerphile
Automated Mathematical Proofs - Computerphile
Mouse Pointers & Fitts's Law - Computerphile