To the ordinary human being, seeing one animal disembowel another to eat it, may seem barbaric, but that�s just the way nature rolls. Have you ever seen a Komodo Dragon hunt its prey? What about a seal? If you think you have the nerves and you want to see some insane hunts by wild animals, keep watching, as we count down 15 moments of animals brutally eating their prey alive. ? Subscribe For New Videos! ? Watch our �15 Wild Animals Hunting Mercilessly!!� video here: Watch our �15 Wild Animal Attacks Caught On Video� video here: Watch our �15 Times Land Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent #2� video here: Wild Dogs This clip depicts a successful hunt for a female waterbuck at Jones's dam in Kruger National Park by a pack of roughly 25 wild dogs. This band of wild dogs attempted to trap a female waterbuck, but she was able to hide behind a shrub and keep the pack at bay until they lost interest and moved on to easier prey. On both occasions, the waterbuck dashed down to Jones's dam, most likely in search of water to drink. The second victim tried the same thing, but she was not so lucky, and both she and her unborn calf were pulled down and consumed in a matter of seconds, all part of nature in Kruger National Park on a regular basis. A warthog's den is being raided by these wild dogs. The warthog pleads for a warrant, but the wild dogs inform him he's on their "most wanted list," therefore they don�t need one, and they drag him out of the den with sheer force. They accuse him of being alive and impose a death sentence on him. The miserable warthog is brought to the ground, where it is devoured by the jury. These two wild dogs hang on to this impala that tries to get away, but the dogs are resilient and hold on tight. The dogs keep pulling on the impala�s legs and stomach, tearing out flesh as the impalas� intestines fall out of their stomach. The animal falls to the ground, but it�s still alive. The rest of the pack joins the feast and it�s all over in minutes. Lions Unfortunately, wildlife is put under a lot of stress during droughts. When the water they called home dried up, this hippo cow and her calf were likely forced to move. The cow appeared exhausted, and she had most likely spent a long period traveling a long distance in search of a new water source. Although hippos are fearsome and destructive, their lack of access to water makes them vulnerable in times of crisis. You can tell the mother hippo has no energy at all to even bother with the lions and it�s free for the felines. It�s just a matter of the big cats taking the hippo down and enjoying their meal that will keep them full for some time to come. A male lion decides to pay a warthog a visit at home. He figures, if the warthog doesn�t come to him, he may as well go to the warthog. After a little digging, the lion has no trouble pulling the warthog out from his den and eating it.