
Why do some people hate Bitcoin? Web 3.0 and Consumer Psychology.

Digital Innovation Moves Japan I Acar Sensei


Web 3.0 is explained from the consumer psychology perspective by Adam Acar, PhD, who is an expert in the area of technology adoption. The concepts include anonymity, intermediaries, blockchains, community tokens, risk management and insurance. Adoption of new innovations has a lot to do with consumer psychology rather than technical aspects or economics. We must understand the consumer psychology related to the adoption of blockchain technologies and defi. We should understand what makes a 60 year old grandma put her retirement savings into a bank and how she would feel about uninsured financial accounts with zero legal obligations. About me I am Adam Acar, PhD. I was born in Turkey and educated in the US. I am a college professor who resides in Kyoto Japan. I specialize in innovation, creativity, social media marketing and culture. I also built Japan's biggest all-English student competition "Marketing Competition Japan" and Japan's largest cultural experience company that served more than 100,000 customers. You can see my academic publications here My goal is to use Youtube to teach the whole world how scientific methods can be used in everyday life from improving sales to maintaining a zen life. You can subscribe to this channel here! If you want to contact me or follow me (Most preferred) Disclaimer Most of the images and footages used on this site are acquired from membership based stock photo sites. Some images may be acquired by public domain resources where the editing team gives credit to the source. In rare occasions partial images and partial footages may be taken from thirdparty websites for educational purposes, criticism purposes or commentary purposes with the appropriate credit to the source.