
Mac Miller's Friends Reveal Shocking Details About Ariana Grande



Mac Miller's Friends Reveal Shocking Details About Ariana Grande When Mac Miller passed on in 2018 Mac�s fans widely said that miss Ariana Grande was to blame for sending him down a spiral. Well, Mac�s friends finally revealed the truth about exactly what happened! So, was Ariana to blame for his death? Was she being accused falsely? We have all the details! Mac Miller would have turned 30 on January 19th, 2022, and to mark the birthday Paul Cantor released the book, �Most Dope: The Extraordinary Life of Mac Miller�. In an interview with USA TODAY, Paul said that the book felt like a celebration of Mac�s life and what he accomplished and according to him, there was always the goal that the book was done right and respectfully and honestly. He also said that around the time he was finishing it, the publisher decided they wanted to release it around the time of his birthday because they felt it was a tribute to him and he agreed. #macmiller #arianagrande