TYTD Archive
Louis Rossmann
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All Onewheels have been recalled
Samsung "repair" page suggests you buy a new phone....
A fun 820-00165 board repair missing PP3V42_G3H
McDonald's using TimeWarner cable's language when hiring ??
How many pubes does it take to kill a Macbook?
A word on gambling and feeling alone
A random PM_SLP_S4_L+ board repair
An important message to citizens & politicians of the great state of Texas from Louis Rossmann
The number of people done with COVID restrictions is growing everyday
Quarantine haircut by girlfriend, take 1....
Nebraska farmers got screwed - Farm Bureau VP leaves to work for org opposing Right to Repair
We're racking up wins like never before; all thanks to the viewers of this channel.
How to fix charging issues on USB C Macbooks, IMPORTANT CD3215 COMPATIBILITY INFO!
iPhone 13 FaceID restriction is GENIUS PR on Apple's part
Rossmann Repair hiring: board repair technician
Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo cosponsors Right to Repair bill - say thank you!
Restrict Act MUST be stopped! Prisontime for VPNs, no FOIA, lobbyists get to work for govt; BAD!!
TESLA FAIL: heat dies in winter, SIX WEEK WAIT to get looked at for repair
Apple runs out of parts for their own repair centers...
Let's talk about source code, Right to Repair, and massive deflection by John Deere.