Unnecessary Inventions

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I'm in a Super Bowl Commercial because of THIS invention!
Cars stopped making THIS so re-invented it! (The Jewel Cooler)
I think I have a problem inventing things�
this coat hook automatically pours you a shot
My fans are making some CRAZY inventions of their own...
11 ABSURD Inventions I built that absolutely no one needs
11 Most Unnecessary Inventions Ever Made
How I built David Dobrik's Fruit Punch Water Fountain! (New House)
Why hasn't Apple invented this yet?!
never get your iphone cable stolen ever again!
Solving Casey Neistat's unnecessary shower problems
tHiS dEvICe hELpS YOu eFfoRtLeSsLy tYPe liKE tHIs
I revolutionized garden hose technology.
your coworkers will hate this cup
10 CURSED inventions I should have never created...
you will NEVER spill your drink with this invention
would you share this double-sided water bottle?!
easily block cold water when taking a shower
If anyone does THIS...my smart Confetti Cannon goes off!
this invention makes getting out of bed so much easier.